Bachelor of Architecture Thesis
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Stranj(ers) are a series of investigations examining what it means to have queer objects and spaces. When we go beyond the familiar, or intentionally reverse all that is familiar, what opportunities are presented to us? What does it mean for an object, or a space to be queer? How might we design spaces for kinship?
global network of ever-expanding urban interventions
:: seems alien while being familiar through its personification
:: grows into its context and adapts while remaining partially ambiguous
:: does not identify with a familiar typology thus allowing the user to re-appropriate it based on their needs
:: is formally non-contextual and is meant to constantly change over time and blend with its environment
:: plans for the changes and celebrates the traditionally non-acceptable environmental and social impacts of its context
__bird poop. smog. noise. decay.
:: does not meet traditional expectations of space based on a given program and improves the quality of life rather than satisfying immediate needs
__ad hoc.
:: is adaptable and changable on a contextual and user basis
__material. responsive. movable.
:: is temporarily and permanently occupiable
__temporality influenced by context. permanence by the network.
:: is democraticly owned with a non-site-based value through the entire network, making exchange of spaces easier
:: introduces complexity to spaces and layers through rapid cultural exchange
:: slows down movement
:: increases environmental, social, and personal awareness by amplifying simple gestures of every day life